Posted: December 18, 2019 in Uncategorized

Temptations fall before me,

Every single day,

“Entertain these thoughts.”

Is what the devil will say!

“Just one more lover,

One more pill,

One more shot,

One more thrill!”

Sins mere displeasure,

Now slowly takes hold,

Repenting seems so selfish,

So the guilt I try to hold.

I hold it on my shoulders,

Like a yoke made of stone.

My spirit aches so badly,

And right now I feel alone.

Two voices battle,

Deep within my being,

One screaming “…salvation!!!”

The other yelling “..leave him be!!!

The world… it’s so tempting

Infinite ways to sin,

The list goes on and on,

I don’t know where to begin.

“If you want everything,

As far as you can see,

All you have to do,

Is start living more worldly.”

This is what the enemy,

Promises me.

Screams from light

And screams from dark,

As I am being pulled to and fro,

I wonder if my soul will be torn apart.

My discernment flickers,

Confusing me more,

I just want to find happiness,

While I’m face down on this floor!

My tears stream,

Stomach is in knots,

I cant take much more,

Of Satans plots.

He is always conspiring,

But I know he cant always win,

I cant go on living this life of sin!

Dear heavenly Father,

It’s your son again,

Please forgive me,

I messed up again.

I dont know why,

It’s hard to stay on this path,

There’s so much sin in the world,

Discernment is hard to grasp.

I try to see the good,

But sometimes it’s covered with the dark,

And I’m supposed to be a light,

Isn’t that what Jesus said in Mark?!

Please guide my steps dear Father,

I can’t do this on my own.

Please be the light,

Unto the path that I’m on.

I need you more then ever!

The demons come from everywhere,

This painful affliction,

As they feed my addictions,

Trying to hold me captive,

With my own conviction,

Trying to keep me from,

Completing my mission!

So please dear LORD,

order my steps!

So please dear LORD,

Take this weight off my chest!

So please dear Father,

Please accept my submission,

I cant go on living this life,

Held captive to my own conviction.

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